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While my educational experience grounded me in the basics skills and fundamentals of counseling work, nothing was a better teacher than sitting face to face with real people. While I thought that I would be confident in how to help each individual, , I quickly learned how helpless I was in taking away another person’s pain. I found myself doubting my ability to really help anyone because suddenly, my job to help heal others was not as simple as the textbook said. Those first few years of counseling threw me into deep pain of my own, day after day, feeling like I was failing these wonderful people in front of me, failing myself, and failing my mission in life. Slowly, and with a lot of training and wonderful coaching, I began to surrender the idea that I had any power to change or heal anyone. I began to learn the art of sitting with others in darkness and staying with them no matter the despair or the discomfort that came for both of us. That’s when I noticed people’s pain begin to release and transform to something useful. Usually knowledge, clarity, or opportunity would spring forward after enough time was spent witnessing the pain. I have seen so much peace come to my clients over time and I continue to be humbled by the sacredness and depth of this work.
It was during my early field experience that I discovered a profound interest in working with couples. Witnessing the depth of love and connection within partnerships inspired me to specialize in this area. I recognized the immense impact a healthy relationship can have on an individual's overall well-being and mental health.
My professional journey has also led me to a deep appreciation for addressing prevalent mental health challenges including anxiety, depression, and trauma work. I am committed to helping individuals navigate these intricate aspects of their lives. I believe in creating a safe and supportive space for my clients to explore their emotions, overcome challenges, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
As a dedicated mental health professional, I am passionate about empowering individuals and couples to lead fulfilling lives. Since graduating formal education, I continue to develop my professional skills and have developed a holistic approach including evidence-based interventions like AEDP , EMDR , EFT, and the Gottman Method. I strive to make a positive impact on the well-being of those I serve. Contact me today to schedule your free 15-minute Free consultation and embark on a journey of healing, growth, and well-being.
Mental Health Therapist St George
Sarah Prince LCMHC, NCC
Zach Prince CMHCI
Psychology has always played a significant role in my upbringing, thanks to my father's influence. He did a master thesis on Shad Helmstetter's book, "What You Say When You Talk to Yourself," and that impacted his parenting style as well as instilled in me the power of positive psychology. This early exposure laid the groundwork for my deep appreciation of the field and its impact on personal development.
I earned my Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Utah Valley University, and I am currently on the path to a Master of Science in Clinical Counseling from Central Methodist University. My academic journey reflects my commitment to understanding the intricacies of human behavior and emotions.
Beyond the realm of sports, I have a broad love for psychology in various forms. Working with teenagers and young single adults is a particular passion of mine. I find immense joy in helping them navigate life's challenges, discover their potential, and achieve success.
Join me on this journey of exploration, growth, and empowerment. Whether you're interested in the psychology of sports or the broader aspects of personal development, I'm here to share my knowledge and support your quest for success. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!
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